List of Papers and Reviews in Tenki Vol.64 (2017)

Tenki is the bulletin journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan in Japanese.

English abstracts are available for articles with "(abstract)".

Vol. 64, No.1


    Estimates of Wet Scavenging Coefficients of Atmospheric Contaminants
      (abstract) ........................................................... Keizo NAKAMURA and Masashi MITANI     5-17
    Analysis of Atmospheric Environments for Convective Cloud 
      Development around the Central Mountains in Japan during Warm 
        Seasons Using Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer Data
          (abstract) ......................................... Kentaro ARAKI, Masataka MURAKAMI, Teruyuki KATO
                                                                                             and Takuya TAJIRI     19-36

Vol. 64, No.2


    Knowing Forecast Uncertainties to Improve Profits:
      A Possibility for Solar Power Businesses (abstract) ................................. Yoshiyuki TOMIYAMA     85-91
    A Case Study of Local Wind and Surface Air Temperature Variations
      in Kobe City on Sunny Calm Days in Autumn ........................... Ieyasu TAKIMOTO, Yoshinori SHIGETA     93-101

Vol. 64, No.4


    Statistical Study of the Effect of Terrain and Land Use Conditions
      on Diurnal Pressure Variation. (abstract) ........................................... Shigenori HAGINOYA     223-233


    Climatology of Seasonal Changes of Event-wise Precipitation
      Amount and Consecutive Precipitation Days
        in Japan and the United Kingdom ..................................................... Hiroshi KUSANAGI     235-242


    Study on Mechanism for the Formation of the Equatorial Westerly
      Jet in Two-dimensional Turbulence on a Rotating Sphere ..................................... Izumi SAITO     215-221

Vol. 64, No.5


    Goals of the Symposium: the K Computer, Big Data, and the Post-K
      (A Report on the Symposium of the 2015 Fall
        Assembly of the Meteorological Society of Japan) .................................... Takemasa MIYOSHI     323-325
    1. Future Supercomputer, Cooperation in Meteorology and Computer Science. ................ Yutaka ISHIKAWA     326
    2. Frontier of the Global Atmospheric Simulations Using the K Computer.
      ........ Masaki SATOH, Yoshiaki MIYAMOTO, Chihiro KODAMA, Tomoki MIYAKAWA, Masuo NAKANO and Yohei YAMADA     327-335
    3. Mesoscale Weather Prediction Researches Using the K-Computer. ............................. Kazuo SAITO     336-343
    4. How can We Best Utilize Big Data and Supercomputers. ...................................... Eizi TOYODA     344-348
    5. Direction of Development of Climate/Meteorologial Modeling and Human
      Resource toward the Post K Era. ........................................................ Hirofumi TOMITA     349-355

Vol. 64, No.6


    Recent Updates of Land Model Developments and in Application
      to Global Warming Studies .................................... Akihiko ITO, Dai KOIDE, Yoshiaki NAKAGAWA     409-427

Vol. 64, No.10


    From Numerical Weather Prediction to Climate Projection Research
      --Research on Tropical Cyclone and Climate Change-- ........................................ Masato SUGI     719-735

Vol. 64, No.11


    Study of the global cycle of greenhouse gases using atmospheric
      chemistry-transport model .............................................................. Prabir K. PATRA     769-785

Vol. 64, No.12


    The Analysis of The Initial Data Dependence on Forecast
      Experiments for The Tropical Cyclogenesis: The Case Study
        of Typhoon Leepi (1304) Observed by PALAU2013
          ............. Hiroaki YOSHIOKA, Hironori FUDEYASU, Takeshi ENOMOTO, Masaki KATSUMATA, Akira YAMAZAKI
                                                  Satoru YOKOI, Satoki TSUJINO, Ayumi MASUDA, Ryuichi SHIROOKA     873-885
    Effects of Synoptic-Scale Environmental Flows on the Heavy Rainfall
      Event in the Kanto and Tohoku District in September 2015.
        ................................................ Naoko KITABATAKE, Hiroshige TSUGUTI and Teruyuki KATO     887-899


    Development and Societal Implementation of Quantitative Precipitation
      Measurements with X-band Polarimetric Weather Radar.
        ........................................................ Masayuki MAKI, Hiroshi UYEDA, Eiichi NAKAKITA     849-872

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