
2013ǯÅÙ »³ºê¡¡Å¯ Vortex-vortex interactions for the maintenance of blocking. Part I: The selective absorption mechanism and a case study. J. Atmos. Sci., 70 (2013), 725-742. (by Yamazaki, A., and H. Itoh),
Vortex-vortex interactions for the maintenance of blocking. Part II: Numerical experiments. J. Atmos. Sci., 70 (2013), 743-766. (by Yamazaki, A., and H. Itoh)
ÌÐÌÚ¡¡¿®¹¨ Size dependence of wet removal of black carbon aerosols during transport from the boundary layer to the free troposphere. Geophys. Res. Lett., 39 (2012), L13802. (by Moteki, N., Y. Kondo, N. Oshima, N. Takegawa, M. Koike, K. Kita, H. Matsui, and M. Kajino)
2012ǯÅÙ µÜºê¡¡Ï¹¬ Transport and mixing in the extratropical tropopause region in a high-vertical-resolution GCM. Part I: Potential vorticity and heat budget analysis. J. Atmos. Sci., 67 (2010), 1293-1314. (by Miyazaki, K., S. Watanabe, Y. Kawatani, Y. Tomikawa, M. Takahashi and K. Sato),
Transport and mixing in the extratropical tropopause region in a high-vertical-resolution GCM. Part II: Relative importance of large-scale and small-scale dynamics. J. Atmos. Sci., 67 (2010), 1315-1336. (by Miyazaki, K., K. Sato, S. Watanabe, Y. Tomikawa, Y. Kawatani and M. Takahashi)
»þĹ¡¡¹¨¼ù Regional patterns of tropical Indo-Pacific climate change: Evidence of the Walker circulation weakening. J. Climate, 25 (2012), 1689-1710. (by Tokinaga, H., S.-P. Xie, A. Timmermann, S. McGregor, T. Ogata, H. Kubota and Y. M. Okumura)
2011ǯÅÙ »°ÉÓ¡¡³Ù¾¼ Large-scale dynamics of the Meiyu-baiu rainband: Environmental forcing by the westerly jet. J. Climate, 23 (2010), 113-134. (by Sampe, T. and S.-P. Xie)
²Ï롡˧ͺ The roles of equatorial trapped waves and internal inertia-gravity waves in driving the quasi-biennial oscillation. Part I: Zonal mean wave forcing. J. Atmos. Sci., 67 (2010), 963-980. (by Kawatani, Y., K. Sato, T. J. Dunkerton, S. Watanabe, S. Miyahara and M. Takahashi),
The roles of equatorial trapped waves and internal inertia-gravity waves in driving the quasi-biennial oscillation. Part II: Three-dimensional distribution of wave forcing. J. Atmos. Sci., 67 (2010), 981-997. (by Kawatani, Y., K. Sato, T. J. Dunkerton, S. Watanabe, S. Miyahara and M. Takahashi)
2010ǯÅÙ ¾®ºä¡¡Í¥ Analysis on the dynamics of a wave-like teleconnection pattern along the summertime Asian jet based on a reanalysis dataset and climate model simulations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 87 (2009), 561-580. (by Kosaka, Y., H. Nakamura, M. Watanabe and M. Kimoto)
µÝËÜ¡¡·ËÌé Adjoint inversion modeling of Asian dust emission using lidar observations. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8 (2008), 2869-2884. (by Yumimoto, K., I. Uno, N. Sugimoto, A. Shimizu, Z. Liu, and D. M. Winker)
2009ǯÅÙ ÌøÀ¥¡¡ÏË Dependence of the polar low development on baroclinicity and physical processes: An idealized high-resolution numerical experiment. J. Atmos. Sci., 64 (2007), 3044-3067. (by Yanase, W. and H. Niino)
µÜºê¡¡Íº»° Chemical characteristics of water-soluble organic carbon in the Asian outflow. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 112 (2007), D22S30, (by Miyazaki, Y., Y. Kondo, S. Han, M. Koike, D. Kodama, Y. Komazaki, H. Tanimoto, and H. Matsueda)
2008ǯÅÙ »°±º¡¡ÍµÎ¼ A Madden-Julian oscillation event realistically simulated by a global cloud-resolving model. Science, 318 (2007), 1763-1765. (by Miura H., M. Satoh, T. Nasuno, A. T. Noda and K. Oouchi)
»°¹¥¡¡·úÀµ Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filtering with an AGCM at a T159/L48 resolution. Mon. Wea. Rev., 135 (2007), 3841-3861. (by Miyoshi T. and S. Yamane)
2007ǯÅÙ ´äÞ¼¡¡¹°¿® Efficient Monte Carlo methods for radiative transfer modeling. J. Atmos. Sci., 63(9), 2324-2339 (2006) (by Iwabuchi, H.)
2006ǯÅÙ ÃÝÀĪǷ Removal of NOx and NOy in Asian outflow plumes: Aircraft measurements over the western Pacific in January 2002. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109 (2004), D23S04, doi: 10.1029/2004JD004866. (by Takegawa, N., Y. Kondo, M. Koike, T. Machida, T. Watai, D. R. Blake, D. G. Streets, J. -H. Woo, G. R. Carmichael, G. Chen, K. Kita, Y. Miyazaki, T. Shirai, J. B. Liley, and T. Ogawa)
Ãö¾å¡¡½ß Aircraft observations of air-mass modification over the Sea of Okhotsk during sea-ice growth. Bound.-Layer Meteor., 117(1) (2005), 111-119. (by J. Inoue, M. Kawashima, Y. Fujiyoshi, and M. Wakatsuchi)
2005ǯÅÙ °ðÄÅ¡¡Õò The zonal asymmetry of the Southern Hemisphere winter storm track. Journal of Climate, 17 (2004), 4882-4891. (by Inatsu M. and B. J. Hoskins)
ÌÐÌÚ¡¡¹Ìºî Structure and development of merged two rainbands observed over the East China Sea during X-BAIU-99. Part ­µ: Meso-¦Â-scale structure and development processes. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 82¡¡(2004), 19-25. (by Moteki, Q., H. Uyeda, T. Maesaka, T. Shinoda, M. Yoshizaki and T. Kato),
Structure and development of merged two rainbands observed over the East China Sea during X-BAIU-99. Part ­¶: Meso-¦Á-scale structure and build-up processes of convergence in the Baiu frontal region. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 82 (2004), 45-65. (by Moteki, Q., H. Uyeda, T. Maesaka, T. Shinoda, M. Yoshizaki and T. Kato)
2004ǯÅÙ ¿ÜÆ£¡¡·ò¸ç CHASER¡§A global chemical model of the troposphere 1. Model description. J. Geophys. Res., 107(D17), 4339, doi¡§10.1029/2001JD001113. (2002) (by Sudo, K., M. Takahashi, J. Kurokawa, and H. Akimoto),
CHASER¡§A global chemical model of the troposphere 2. Model results and evaluation. J. Geophys. Res., 107(D21), 4586, doi¡§10.1029/2001JD001114. (2002) (by Sudo, K., M. Takahashi, J. Kurokawa, and H. Akimoto)
Åĸý¡¡ÀµÏ Internal interannual variability of the troposphere-stratosphere coupled system in a simple global circulation model. Part­µ¡§Parameter sweep experiment. J. Atmos. Sci., 59, 3021-3036 (2002) (by Taguchi, M. and S. Yoden),
Internal interannual variability of the troposphere-stratosphere coupled system in a simple global circulation model. Part­¶¡§Millennium integrations. J. Atmos. Sci., 59, 3037-3050 (2002) (by Taguchi, M. and S. Yoden)
2003ǯÅÙ ±ÝËÜ¡¡¹ä The formation mechanism of the Bonin high in August, Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 129 (Jan., 2003), 157-178. (by Takeshi Enomoto, Brian J. Hoskins and Yoshihisa Matsuda)
»ûÈø¡¡Í­´õÉ× Stratospheric ozone loss in the 1996/1997 Arctic winter: Evaluation based on multiple trajectory analysis for double-sounded air parcels by ILAS. J. Geophys. Res., 107(D24) (Dec., 2002), 8210, doi:10.1029/2001JD000615. (by Yukio Terao, Yasuhiro Sasano, Hideaki Nakajima, Hiroshi L. Tanaka and Tetsuzo Yasunari)
2002ǯÅÙ ¹âë¡¡¹¯ÂÀϺ A formulation of a phase-independent wave-activity flux of stationary and migratory quasi-geostrophic eddies on a zonally varying basic flow. J. Atmos. Sci., 58 (Mar., 2001), 608-627. (by Koutarou Takaya and Hisashi Nakamura)
Ãݼ¡¡½Óɧ Single-scattering albedo and radiative forcing of various aerosol species with a global three-dimensional model. J. Climate, 15 (Feb. 2002), 333-352. (by Toshihiro Takemura, Teruyuki Nakajima, Oleg Dubovik, Brent N. Holben, and Stefan Kinne)
2001ǯÅ٠ëËÜ¡¡ÍÛ°ì Ocean-atomosphere variability over the Pan-Atlantic basin. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 77 (1999), 31-46. (by Youichi Tanimoto and Shang-Ping Xie)
ÅÏÉô¡¡²í¹À Atomosphere-ocean thermal coupling in the North Atlantic; A positive feedback. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 126 (2000), 3343-3369. (by Masahiko Watanabe and Masahide Kimoto)
2000ǯÅ٠ƣ¸¶¡¡ÀµÃÒ Stratosphere-troposphere exchange of ozone associated with the equatorial Kelvin wave as observed with ozonesondes and rawinsondes. J. Geophys. Res., 103 (1998), 19173-19182. (with K. Kita and T. Ogawa)
ÆüÊë¡¡ÌÀ»Ò Development of a two-channel aerosol retrieval algorithm on a global scale using NOAA AVHRR. J. Atmos. Sci., 56 (1999), 924-941. (with T. Nakajima)
1999ǯÅÙ ²ÃÆ£¡¡µ±Ç· Numerical simulation of the band-shaped torrential rain observed over southern Kyushu, Japan on 1 August 1993. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 76 (1998), 97-128.
»³ËÜ¡¡¾¡ Formation and maintenance of the 4-day circulation in the Venus middle atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 54 (1997), 1472-1489. (with H. Tanaka)
1998ǯÅÙ ËÙÇ·Æâ¡¡Éð Wave-mean flow interaction associated with a QBO-like oscillation simulated in a simuplified GCM. J. Atmos. Sci., 55 (1998), 502-526. (with S. Yoden)
1997ǯÅÙ ¾®ÎÓ¡¡Ê¸ÌÀ Life cycle of the Chitose tornado of September 22, 1988. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 74 (1996), 125-140. (with K. Kikuchi and H. Uyeda)
¿¢ÅÄ¡¡¹¨¾¼ Maturing process of the summer monsoon over the western North Pacific-A coupled ocean/atmosphere system. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan. 74 (1996), 493-508. (with T. Yasunari)
1996ǯÅÙ ¼Õ¡¡¾°Ê¿ A coupled ocean-atmosphere model of relevance to the ITCZ in the Eastern Pacific. Tellus, 46A (1994), (with S. G. H. Philander)
1995ǯÅÙ ¾®ÃÓ¡¡¿¿ Impact of Pinatubo aerosoes on the partitioning between NO2 and HNO3., Geophys. Res. Lett., 21 (1994), 597-600. (with N. B. Jones, W. A. Matthews, P. V. Johnston, R. L. Mckenzie, D. Kinnison, and J. Rodriguez)
¿¹ËÜ¡¡¿¿»Ê Time and space variation of the carbon isotopic ratio of tropospheric carbon dioxide over Japan. Tellus, 45B (1993), 258-274. (with T. Nakazawa, S. Aoki, and M. Tanaka)
1994ǯÅÙ Ã漡¡¾° Midwinter suppression of baroclinic wave activity in the Pacific
1993ǯÅÙ µí´Ý¡¡âÃ»Ê A numerical study of the interaction between stationary Rossby waves and eastward-traveling waves in the southern hemisphere stratosphere
¾Â¸ý¡¡ÆØ Behavior of cumulus activity and the structures of circulations in an "Aqua Planet" model
1992ǯÅÙ ÅÄÃæ¡¡Çî A Numeirical simulation of amplification of low-frequency planetary waves and blocking formations by the upscale energy cascade
1991ǯÅÙ º´Æ£¡¡·° Vertical wind disturbances in the troposphere and lower stratosphere observed by the MU rader
1990ǯÅÙ ¸þÀî¡¡¶Ñ A dynamical model of "quasi-stationary" states in large-scale atmospheric motions
1989ǯÅÙ Ãæß·¡¡Å¯É× Tropical super clusters within intraseasonal variations over the western Pacific
1988ǯÅÙ ÌðÌî¡¡½ç°ì Rudimentary considerations of the dynamics of the Jovian atmosphere
1987ǯÅÙ ÎÓ¡¡¾Í²ð The 30-40 day oscillations simulated in an "aqua-planet" model
1986ǯÅÙ ºûÌî¡¡ÂÙ¹° ¥ß¡¼»¶Íð¥é¥¤¥À¡¼¤Ë¤è¤ëÂ絤º®¹çÁؤª¤è¤ÓÁ«°ÜÁؤι½Â¤¤Î´Ñ¬
1985ǯÅÙ ¹â¶¶¡¡ÀµÌÀ A 2-dimensional numerical model of the semi-annual zonal wind oscillation
»³Æâ¡¡¶³ Variations of incident solar flux and snow albedo on the solar zenith angle and cloud cover at Mizuho station, Antarctica
1984ǯÅÙ èßǼ»û¡¡¿®¿ò A numerical experiment on the mountains and vallay winds
1983ǯÅÙ ½»¡¡ÌÀÀµ WMONEX¹­Îΰè¤Ë¤ª¤±¤ë1978-79ǯÅßµ¨Âç½Û´Ä¤ÎÂ絬ÌϤÊÆÃħ
1982ǯÅÙ ¾¾ÅÄ¡¡²Âµ× ¶âÀ±Â絤¤Î»ÍÆü½Û´Ä¤ÎÎϳØ
1981ǯÅÙ °ÂÀ®¡¡Å¯»° ËÌȾµå²Æµ¨¥â¥ó¥¹¡¼¥ó»þ¤Ë¤ª¤±¤ë±ÀÎÌÊÑÆ°¤Î²òÀÏ
1980ǯÅÙ Ã漡¡°ì Â絤Âç½Û´Ä¤ËµÚ¤Ü¤¹»³³Ù¤Î¸ú²Ì