The MSJ 36th-term Editorial Committee (2010-2012)

Chief Editor

Name Affiliation Research area
Mikami, Masao Meteorological Research Institute Aerosol and boundary layer meteorology

Co-Chief Editor

Name Affiliation Research area
Satomura, Takehiko Kyoto University Mesoscale meteorology, Precipitation Systems,
Personal web site: http://www-clim.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/satomura/index_e.html

Steering committee

Name Affiliation Research area
Kondo, Yutaka The University of Tokyo Global atmospheric environment
Tanaka, Hiroshi L. University of Tsukuba Atmospheric general circulation and energy
Tanaka, Taichu Y. Meteorological Research Institute Numerical aerosol modeling
Takemi, Tetsuya Kyoto University Boundary layer and mesoscale meteorology
Personal web site: http://ssrs.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/member_takemi.html
Satomura, Takehiko Kyoto University Mesoscale meteorology, Precipitation Systems,
Personal web site: http://www-clim.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/satomura/index_e.html


Name Affiliation Research area
Adegoke, Jimmy The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (South Africa)(USA) Regional climate models and land surface
Aoki, Teruo Meteorological Research Institute Atmospheric radiation
Fudeyasu, Hironori Yokohama National University Tropical and mesoscale meteorology, Typhoon
Hirooka, Toshihiko Kyushu University Middle atmosphere
Hsu,Huang-Hsiung Academia Sinica, Taiwan Tropical meteorology, Monsoon, General circulation, Climate variation and change
Islam, Md. Nazrul King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia) Tropical and mesoscale meteorology, regional numerical model Personal web site: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md_Islam55
Kawamura, Ryuichi University of Toyama Monsoon dynamics, Climate systems
Kawamoto, Kazuaki Nagasaki University Atmospheric radiation, cloud-aerosol interaction and remote sensing
Kitoh, Akio Meteorological Research Institute Climate model and global warming
Koike, Makoto The University of Tokyo Atmospheric environmental science and atmospheric chemistry
Misumi, Ryohei National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention Cloud physics, Mesoscale meteorology, Meteorological disasters
Miyoshi, Takemasa University of Maryland (USA) Numerical weather prediction and data assimilation
Mukougawa, Hitoshi Kyoto University Atmospheric dynamics
Nakazawa, Takakiyo Tohoku University Trace gases
Nonaka, Masami Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Ocean circulation, Air-sea interactions
Ogino, Shin-Ya Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Monsoon, Tropical meteorology
Okamoto, Hajime Kyushu University Satellite remote sensing, cloud physics, aerosols, atmospheric physics, light scattering
Park, Seon Ki Ewha Womans University, Korea Severe storms, Data assimilation
Personal web site: http://home.ewha.ac.kr/~spark
Saito, Kazuo Meteorological Research Institute Mesoscale model
Shao, Yaping University of Cologne, Germany Boundary layer and atmospheric dust
Sugi, Masato Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Climate, typhoon
Shi, Guang-Yu Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Atmospheric radiation
Tsuda, Toshitaka Kyoto University GPS meteorology, radar, atmospheric waves
Tsujino, Hiroyuki Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) Ocean dynamics
Walsh, John E. University of Illinois (USA) Polar climate
Wang, Zifa IAP/CAS, China Regional model, dust
Wild, Oliver University of Lancaster, UK Atmospheric Chemistry and numerical modeling
Personal web site: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/lec/about-us/people/oliver-wild
Yamada, Hiroyuki JAMSTEC Tropical meteorology, typhoon
Yamazaki, Koji Hokkaido University Climate, material transport Personal web site: http://wwwoa.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/people/yamazaki/indexe.html" target="_blank
Yamazaki, Takeshi Tohoku University Cryosphere
Yoshizaki, Masanori JAMSTEC Mesoscale meteorology

Past Editorial Committee