The MSJ 41st-term Editorial Committee (2020-2022)

Chief Editor

Name Affiliation Research area
TAKEMI, Tetsuya Kyoto University (Disaster Prevention Research Institute) Mesoscale and microscale meteorology, environmental fluid dynamics, Applied meteorology
Personal web site: http://ssrs.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/member_takemi.html

Co-Chief Editor

Name Affiliation Research area
HORINOUCHI, Takeshi Hokkaido University Atmospheric dynamics
SATOH, Masaki The University of Tokyo (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute) Atmospheric dynamics, Tropical meteorology, Tropical cyclones, Numerical modeling

Steering committee

Name Affiliation Research area
HORINOUCHI, Takeshi Hokkaido University Atmospheric dynamics
KAWAMOTO, Kazuaki Nagasaki University Atmospheric radiation, cloud-aerosol interaction, and remote sensing
MIYOSHI, Takemasa RIKEN Center for Computational Science Numerical weather prediction, Data assimilation
Personal web site: http://data-assimilation.riken.jp/~miyoshi/
MOTEKI, Qoosaku Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Asian monsoon, Baiu
SATOH, Masaki the University of Tokyo (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute) Atmospheric dynamics, Tropical meteorology, Tropical cyclones, Numerical modeling
YASUNAGA, Kazuaki University of Toyama Tropical meteorology, Precipitation system
YASUNARI, Teppei J. Hokkaido University,
Arctic Research Center
Atmospheric aerosols, Climate, Cryosphere
Personal web site: https://researchers.general.hokudai.ac.jp/profile/en.f9d5e0dc9ec3aa33520e17560c007669.html


Name Affiliation Research area
CHEN, Shu-Hua University of California Davis, USA Data assimilation, Numerical modeling, Severe weather, Dust and weather, Aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction, Orographic rainfall
CHEUNG, Kevin Department of Environmental Sciences, Macquarie University Tropical meteorology, numerical modeling, natural hazards, dynamical systems and complexity
GOTO, Daisuke National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) Air pollution, Global model, Atmospheric chemistry
Personal web site: http://www.nies.go.jp/chiiki/en/goto_daisuke_en.html
HASHIGUCHI, Hiroyuki Kyoto University (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere) Radar atmospheric physics, Atmospheric remote sensing
Personal web site: http://www2.rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~hasiguti/index-e.html
HIROOKA, Toshihiko Kyushu University Middle atmosphere
HSU,Huang-Hsiung Academia Sinica, Taiwan Tropical meteorology, Monsoon, General circulation, Climate variation and change
HUANG, Mei Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences climate change, ecosystem modelling
IIZUKA, Satoshi National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience Air-sea Interaction, Meteorological Disasters
INAGAKI Atsushi Tokyo Institute of Technology, School of Environment and Society Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology, Urban Climate
IRIE, Hitoshi Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University Atmospheric Science, Atmospheric Chemistry, Remote Sensing
ISHII, Masayoshi Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) Climate variation and model
ITO, Kosuke University of the Ryukyus Tropical cyclone, Data assimilation
Personal web site: http://www.itonwp.sci.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/index_e.html
KAWAMURA, Ryuichi Kyushu University Monsoon dynamics, Climate systems
KAWANO, Tetsuya Kyushu University Mesoscale meteorology, Cloud physics
KOH, Tieh-Yong Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore Weather and climate in Southeast Asia, Tropical multi-scale interactions, Predictability and complexity, Mixing and transport, Geophysical fluid dynamics
Personal web site: http://alum.mit.edu/www/tiehyong
KOBAYASHI, Chiaki Meteorological Research Institute, Department of Climate and Geochemistry Research Atmospheric Dynamics (Extreme Weather, Seasonal Prediction, Climate Dynamics)
KOSAKA, Yu The University of Tokyo (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology) Climate variability, Teleconnections
MANDA, Atsuyoshi Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University air-sea interaction, regional Climate
MISUMI, Ryohei National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience Cloud physics, Mesoscale meteorology, Meteorological disasters
MIYAMOTO, Yoshiaki Faculty of Environmental and Information Studies, Keio University Tropical Cyclone, Mesoscale Meteorology, Numerical Simulation
MIYAZAKI, Yuzo Hokkaido University Atmospheric chemistry, Atmospheric environmental science, Aerosol chemistry
MORIMOTO, Shinji Tohoku University (Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies) Greenhouse gases
MURAKAMI Hiroyuki Geophysical Fluid Dynamicas Laboratory/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Atmospheric Science
NASUNO, Tomoe Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Tropical meteorology, Numerical modeling
Personal web site: http://www.jamstec.go.jp/souran/html/Tomoe_Nasuno001634-e.html
NISHIZAWA, Seiya RIKEN Center for Computational Science Atmospheric dynamics, Numerical modeling
Personal web site: https://climate.aics.riken.jp/members/nishizawa/index.en.html
NIWANO, Masashi Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) Polar Meteorology and Climatology, Glaciology
NONAKA, Masami Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Ocean circulation, Air-sea interactions
OGINO, Shin-Ya Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Monsoon, Tropical meteorology
PARK, Seon Ki Ewha Womans University, Korea Severe storms, Data assimilation
RUIZ, Juan University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Research Center - CONICET,) Data assimilation, Parameter estimation, Numerical weather prediction
SUN, Wenbo Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Atmospheric Remote Sensing and Radiative Transfer, Light Scattering, Computational Electrodynamics, Optical Device Development
TAKAYA, Yuhei Meteorological Research Institute climate prediction, Asian monsoon
TSUJINO, Hiroyuki Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) Ocean dynamics
WANG, Chung-Chieh National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan (Department of Earth Sciences) Mei-yu (baiu), Mesoscale convective system, Cloud-model simulation
YANG, Shu-Chih National Central University, Taiwan (Department of Atmospheric Sciences) Data assimilation, Numerical model prediction
ZHANG, Daizhou Prefectural University of Kumamoto Atmospheric environment, Aerosol physics and chemistry

Past Editorial Committee